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Lessons from the nature

“[India is] the one land that all men desire to see and having seen once, by even a glimpse, would not give that glimpse for all the shows of all the rest of the globe combined.” Mark Twain’s observation after his visit to India stands true in every sense after 112 years of his demise. As a part of our IAS phase 1 training, I had the opportunity to go on a ‘Bharat Darshan’ tour and live the experiences of Mark Twain. It is a study tour spread over a dozen states (including Union Territories) for a span of 42 days. Throughout the lengths and breadths of this country, beautiful landscapes spelled out the serenity that nature holds. Apart from witnessing the splendour and magnanimity, I patiently took note of the lessons that it was trying to convey.

The cool breeze tickling my cheeks reminds me to be like it. One who loses itself free to explore the immense possibilities out there. To take up the brutal form of a storm or float effortlessly when need be. The overlooking mountains were glaring at me. As if whispering me their secrets to stand tall till the last breath. Tall in my conviction of value-set and belief system. It further inspires me to not let the winds of self-doubt erode my faith.

The dark hue of mighty oceans staring as if inviting me to dive and cleanse my wounds. Wounds that refuse to be washed away with teardrops but reminds my true strength. Far onto the shoreline, the sands of beach have their own experiences to share. Their trust in the loyalty of rivers and waves teach me to be more patient. And the high waves of anxiety will recede if I wait enough.

The colossal as well as the feeble rivers are the testimony for peace. Peace which can’t be found elsewhere but flows only through the slopes of one’s own mental fortitude. Finally the infinite sky wants me to take note of its own story. The clouds of fear may gather around but their time is limited. The energies of sun, the glory of stars and moon will soon return if you can withstand the angst which seem like an eternal pain.

This Bharat Darshan gave me an opportunity to take lessons which are otherwise locked because of our own ignorance. The trip taught me that nature expresses every emotion in its own unique way. And then permeates those emotions into the seeker who is willing to listen. The nature inspired me to be grateful, generous, hopeful and powerful in the moments I spent immersed in it. Now only if I could get another such chance to explore this great country, I’d never choose otherwise.

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